Saturday, February 14, 2009

First Doctor's Visit

Despite what the title implies this was not my first doctor's visit ever, however it was my first visit regarding my pregnancy.  We got to see the heartbeat, which looked like a flashing light, and we got to see our baby, which looked like a peanut.  I am told that this is normal given how far along I am.  We also found out the due date:  September 11th.  Yay!  

All of the excitement of the visit caused me and Garrett to realize how much we need to learn about being parents.  Luckily I found a website with some very helpful tips.  Thank you!  Now we can confidently bring a baby into the world.

(This one is my personal favorite.)


Caroline said...'re not supposed to feed babies from shiftily marked bottles of supposed liquor? Whoops!

Good thinking doing this research so early on...kudos, friend.

Julie said...

Oh Grace now I see there is so much I don't know about parenting.... you will have to fill me in on all the things you learn.

Grace said...

Julie, I too was shocked. Who knew babies can't lift weights?